• Regisztráció

vindonxnge felhasználó

Tag: 2 év (2022. jún. 27. óta)
Típus: Regisztrált felhasználó
Teljes név:
Weboldal: https://somnolog.by/user/ygerussbyg
Névjegy: AHIMA bestows a consent described as CHPS, showing that the individual is Qualified in Health Care Personal Privacy as well as Security. In addition to passing an exam, it also needs IT experts to have an university degree as well as numerous years' experience working in the specialty. HIMSS offers the CPHIMS qualifications, which implies the individual is a Qualified Professional in Healthcare Information and also Monitoring Solution. HIMSS requires CPHIMS specialists to either have a bachelor's degree as well as at the very least 3 years of experience in medical care IT or a graduate degree and 2 years in health care IT.

vindonxnge aktivitása

Pontszám: 100 pont (1.220. helyezett)
Kérdések: 0
Válaszok: 0
Hozzászólások: 0
Leadott szavazatok: 0 kérdés, 0 válasz
Kiosztott szavazatok: 0 felszavazás, 0 leszavazás
Kapott szavazatok: 0 felszavazás, 0 leszavazás

vindonxnge fala

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